ITT: We act like we are all roommates

Yea sombody left the garage open so sombody broke into my van and stole my $4,000 sound system.
This dude
Yay we got a discount for all of us
Woah welcome back. It’s been so quiet here without you guys
Why do I have sharpie in my hand, and why does Sic have a rather *ahem* interesting shape drawn on her forehead? Actually, while we're at it, what even happened while I was on anesthesia?
Hello! your car insurance is about to expire! please hit 1 if you have a question. Have a good day!!
*Presses 1* Hello car insurance person, could you tell me what the hell has been going on?
Listen, I have no time to explain. You have to jump out of the window and into the bush below. There is a sniper aiming at you right now, ready to fire. You know too much, and they don't like it.
Oh shit! *Jumps out of window into bush below. A crack is heard upon landing.* Ow... my leg...
Hello! your car insurance is about to expire! please hit 1 if you have a question. Have a good day!!
1 "how can it expire. I just insured the van last month and I paid for a year"
*Attempts to stand back up, but falls right back down.* Someone help! I've fallen and I can't get up!
i've been in the bathroom for two hours trying to wipe this off... the "shape" isn't coming off :mad:
Can someone please help me? I quite literally can't stand on my leg. :cry:
Idk, it made a crack sound when I jumped out the window, and it hurts like hell!

I'm not a grandma, I think I did something to my leg when I jumped out the window!
I would drive you to the hospital but for some reason the insurance on my van expired and the stupid customer support isn’t answering my question.
I walk into the apartment claiming I own the land so I can live here because I'm homeless lol.
*Still on ground unable get up.* Can someone please at least help me get up?
Oh, right. *helps Queen stand* is it even a good idea for you to stand?
Idk if it's good idea. I just know something is off about my leg. *Takes Sic's assistance*
We could have a party tomorrow, what do you guys think?
Hmm, I suppose. But it's fun XD
hahaha In Spain we can legally drink with 16 or 18 XD
Oooooooo let's have a PARTY