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  • The reason I’ve been inactive is because my laptop has been failing to connect to the internet. I think the problem is fixed, but idk for sure rn. I’ll be back online soon.
    Can someone in the government give me an update on stuff (state of economy, plot crisis, ect). I'm coming back, I just was wondering how Redmont was doing
    I’m really sorry for not being active. I’ve had a lot to recover from. There was a shooter THREAT at my school 2 days ago and we went on lockdown for 3 hours. It seems like nobody had an actual gun but still, it hasn’t made my life easier to say the least.

    Seemed like less of an explanation as to why and more of a hit on Venom's character. I think you kind of need SS attached to make these claims.
    Really? Vigilantism=murder? Also the law is very vague in only listing murder but implying other actions fall under this law.
    Anyone else think the cake poem/picture are kind of ridiculous additions to ban appeals?
    I guess. But at that point just make them write and essay upon the morality/philosophy behind hacking/being toxic. That’s way more thoughtful and difficult.
    It serves a few purposes:
    1. It makes people put in some sort of effort into their appeal, meaning we filter everyone out who don't want to make the effort just to troll again.
    2.Punishments involve staff members taking the time out of their day to issue the punishment, note down evidence, and to then vote and action appeals. This can all be avoided, so it's only fitting.
    3. It's entertaining lol
    Can’t argue with the fact that it can be funny XD
    Everyone is talking about giving countries independence, when doing such, please consider the democratic nation of Bolvolskia which has been around for 6 months and has a constitution/working government. Please LOL.
    10 minutes in jail would stop murders if the police did their job and arrested murder instead of people who have their guns out in zones where they can do no damage LOL.
    Hey people in the government, I need a way to find the GDP of Redmont Citzens over time to graph the economic growth, is there anyone that can help me get these numbers?
    Everyone, oppose the allegiance act! It’s to my knowledge preventing you from holding political roles on other servers, clearly an unfair restriction on what we do with our time off this server
    Isn’t one of the server’s selling points that ability to chose if you live in the city or untamed dangerous wilderness?
    I have no hate towards the senators, as I doubt they will exploit this, but what about the people after them? This is too dangerous of a bill to be allowed through.
    Now Congress could simply vote to remove ALL the powers of other branches, and give it to themselves. We are heading into an age where Congress uses the other branches like puppets to control the lives of the people they are meant to represent. I beg of all remaining SENATORS AND CITIZENS TO SAY NO to the Executive Supremacy act, say NO to the MURDER of our democracy, and the foundation it was built upon.
    The executive supremacy act is a clear perversion of our democracy! Congress already holds a tight grip on the necks of the other branches, but this act will be the final nail in the coffin. If we give Congress the ability to give itself powers and remove them from other branches, we will create an oligarchy. The executive and judiciary branch added road blocks for Congress, and provided checks and balances.
    XD They left comments open on the DOS report so I replied with my opinion on some government polices. It was deleted and the post was locked. I wasn't rude or anything, I just had an opinion that opposed the state, and they removed it.
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    Heh, the thread was meant to be locked from the start so people couldn't flood the thread with random stuff. I read your concerns, and if you ever want to voice your concerns in the future I'd be happy to read them. I can't make effective policy without input from everyone, thanks for your help!
    LOL. Thanks for the response. Things like this are why you'll make a great president.
    We stand up for their rights, and are willing to do whatever it takes to help those in need. Shouldn't that be what government does? Shouldn't the people feel like it is their duty to help people in need? Obviously not in Redmont, where you can't even sell ROTTEN FLESH without being a mercenary. You can be arrested for such a thing. (Part 2)
    The fact that Bolvolskia has over 20 members is amazing. I want to thank all of you. Even though they changed the warps to make it harder for people to get to Bolvolskia, people will still make the journey to escape the unjust cast system of Redmont. This is because we do not curb the rights and freedoms of our citizens, and provide a safe and fair system of governance for all people. (Speech part 1)
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