Lawsuit: Adjourned smokeyybunnyyy v. Commonwealth of Redmont [2024] FCR 103

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Oakridge Resident
Grave Digger Popular in the Polls Legal Eagle
Oct 14, 2021

smokeyybunnyyy (represented by Solid Law Firm)


Commonwealth of Redmont

The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:

Your Honour,

The Plaintiff was damaged by the Commonwealth when the latter was executing an auction for an evicted plot, specifically plot C514. Through the bidding process, to ensure its validity, all parties and potential bidders must be informed equally and expeditiously of developments so that their judgement and allocation of funds remain clear and unobscured, and so they could reasonably be able to themselves judge the risks of an auction.

If the bidding process is invaded by a fraudulent factor, which artificially raises bids in an unmerited manner, meaning they do not have the financial means to support the given bid, then in no reasonable way can other bidders be expected to have been able to clearly judge the risks and merits of an auction. An auction filled with fraudulent bids does not showcase real value, and it pushes legitimate bidders to inadvertently allocate a greater, otherwise unrealistic sum for a property. According to the guidelines of the Department of Construction and Transport (hereinafter DCT), “Users may only bid what is currently in their personal [...] balance. Should an individual wish to bid via an alternate account, the player must state the source of the funds in the bid.” It is, thus, DCT’s responsibility to annul the bidding of fraudulent origin, and return the auction to the last point where bids were legitimate, as that would make bidders reasonably informed, as the realistic bids would determine a fair, non fraudulent price .

The Plaintiff was bidding on the C514 plot at an auction, when a fraudulent individual, EddieGonza420, began placing fraudulent bids, contrary to the aforementioned DCT guideline. The DCT annulled the fraudulent bids, but refused to return the bids of the Plaintiff to the last point all of them were legitimate, even though the only bidders at that point were the Plaintiff and the aforementioned individual. That way, the Plaintiff was fraudulently led to bid more, and could not have reasonably been expected to make an informed decision on her bids, making them invalid. The Commonwealth refused to alleviate the Plaintiff, rather stating that “you [the Plaintiff] technically outbid yourself with another valid bid, making it the highest valid bid.” In the Plaintiff’s opinion, there is no way the subsequent bids by the Plaintiff can be considered valid, as they were the result of a fraudulent bidding by a third party, which falsely led the Plaintiff to believe the bid had to be raised. Were that not the case, it is reasonable to assume the Plaintiff would not baselessly raise their own, unopposed bid.

In a separate auction the Plaintiff participated in (R050), when a similar situation occurred, the DCT agreed to forgo the invalid bids and let the property go for the highest bid made on the basis of legitimate prior bids. The DCT failed to follow its own precedent, and failed to treat the Plaintiff equally as it did before without any warrant to do so, thus contrasting the Plaintiff’s inalienable rights, defined in Part IV, §33, Point XIII of the Constitution.

  1. smokeyybunnyyy
  2. Commonwealth of Redmont

  1. On 2nd July, 2024, the auction for plot R050 was concluded, in which the DCT officer struck down an invalid bid made by Mr President Beezergeezer, and acknowledged that a new bid of $11,500 made by the Plaintiff is unnecessary, as she won on the basis of a previous $10,500 bid,
  2. On 2nd July, 2024, the Plaintiff won the auction for plot C514 on the basis of her $18,000 dollar bid,
  3. On 2nd July, 2024, the Plaintiff inquired in the auction channel whether the $18,000 bid stands, because the last bid made by EddieGonza420 of $16,000 was invalid, as it was discover that they only have $14,500 in their balance,
  4. Subsequent to Point 3, the DCT officer claimed “the $18k bid is valid”,
  5. On 8th July, 2024, the Plaintiff opened a ticket by the DCT to challenge the $18,000 bid’s validity,
  6. Subsequent to Point 5, the DCT officer in the ticket exclaimed how the Plaintiff “technically outbid [them]selves with another valid bid, making it the highest valid bid.”, and agreed how “the case with beezer is not really different [to the case in question]”.

  1. Since the knowingly fraudulent bids posted by EddieGonza420 obscured the Plaintiff’s clarity of judgement, it forced an otherwise unreasonable raise in the Plaintiff’s bidding, and even after the DCT acknowledged and annulled them, it failed to recognise that the lower, already posted bid by the Plaintiff was the only legitimate one, and the subsequent $18,000 one invalid because it was based on fraudulent bids from a third party, out of reasonable fear that the property will not be acquired by the Plaintiff,
  2. The DCT disregarded its own precedent without any warrant to do so in a similar situation regarding the auction of plot R050, thus failing to treat the Plaintiff equally by the law, breaching Part IV, §33, Point XIII of the Constitution.

  1. The difference between the higher and lower bid shall be refunded to the Plaintiff, amounting to $3,000,
  2. Punitive damages for blatant disregard of previous practice by the DTC, compounded by failing to treat the Plaintiff equally, totalling $10,000,
  3. Emotional damages for being disregarded and ignored by DCT, especially because of change of treatment in two examples provided, amounting to $5,000,
  4. Legal fees, which account for 20% of the case’s monetary relief, totalling $3,600.


Exhibit A: The Plaintiff opened a ticket by the DCT


Exhibit B: Conversation with DCT #1


Exhibit C: Conversation with DCT #2


Exhibit D: Conversation with DCT #3


Exhibit E: Conversation with DCT #4

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Screenshot 2024-07-19 184333.png


Exhibit J: Proof of sale of plot C514 for $18,000

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 9th day of July, 2024.


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@Dr_Eksplosive (AG) is required to appear before the Federal Court in the case of smokeyybunnyyy v. Commonwealth of Redmont. Failure to appear within 72 hours of this summons will result in a default judgement based on the known facts of the case.

Both parties should make themselves aware of the Court Rules and Procedures , including the option of an in-game trial should both parties request one.​
I am representing the Commonwealth as an associate prosecutor from the Department of Justice.




The Commonwealth of Redmont

Defendant move that the complaint in this case be dismissed, and in support thereof, respectfully alleges:
1. I move to dismiss this case under rule 5.5, lack of claim as the plaintiff has failed to cite any actual claim under the law, only resorting to reasoning that falls outside the scope of the law. Citing the Constitution is invalid as the DCT is not bound by their own precedent, and policy is not the same as law. Equality under the law is mandated, but equality under any other factor is not mandated.
2. I move to dismiss this case for a lack of standing, as the plaintiff entered a valid bid, which is a legally binding agreement to purchase the property in exchange for the consideration offered by the plaintiff. While a previous bid was invalid, the plaintiff failed to investigate this herself before bidding, so there is contributory negligence. The plaintiff therefore has no claim of injury done to her, as any injury done was to herself out of negligence.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 12th day of July 2024.
Your honour,
may the Plaintiff provide an answer to the Motion to Dismiss?
You may in the next 48 hours

Your honour,

in compelling the Court not to dismiss this lawsuit, the Plaintiff will answer the Defendant’s concerns:

I. To support the Plaintiff’s claim, and show that there is a Claim for which my client is entitled to compensation, I call upon precedent established in the verdict of Bombaz2005 v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [2024] FCR 78, where the presiding officer established that an auction is a proposal for contract formation, and that every offer constitutes a new contract proposal. If a contract is made on a fraudulent basis, and its consideration drawn from fraudulent bids, then in no way can it be considered a fair and legally binding contract. This is pretty rudimentary contract law. Specifically, §8, Point 1, Clause a) of Contracts Act, establishing Misrepresentation, was breached, because a false statement (the fraudulent bid) by EddieGonza420 forced my client to enter propose a new bid (i.e. new contract proposal) with a greater consideration than necessary. The Commonwealth acknowledged, but failed to remedy this, instead executing the invalid contract, even after it was established that prior bids were invalid. Regarding DCT, it is a carrier of public authority and a wing of the Executive branch of the Government of Redmont. Its responsibility is to execute laws, and respect the Constitution in doing so, and a Government agency cannot choose which individuals it treats this way, and which the other. That is called discrimination, and prohibited by the given Part IV, §33, Point XIII of the Constitution.

II. The entire purpose of this case is to show that the bids in question are not valid, and the Defendant cannot simply claim that they are valid and thus this case is unmerited. This is to be determined in this Court. Furthermore, it is not, nor ever has been, the responsibility of bidders to prove authenticity of other bidders’ bids, and the Defendant claiming otherwise is an enigma for me. DCT is the authority entrusted with executing orderly auctions, and thus its responsibility to make sure auctions remain representative and fair, which is why DCT was the one negligent, not the Plaintiff.

DATED: This 13th day of July, 2024
Denied. The Defendant contends that the Plaintiff has failed to cite any actual claim under the law, asserting that the cited Constitution and policy violations do not constitute a legal basis for the claim. The Plaintiff has referenced precedent established in the verdict of Bombaz2005 v. The Commonwealth of Redmont [2024] FCR 78, which treats an auction as a proposal for contract formation. The Plaintiff has alleged that fraudulent bids forced her to enter a contract with greater consideration than necessary, which could constitute a valid claim. This claim warrants further examination and cannot be dismissed at this stage.
We will now move into a 3 Day Discovery period. Should both sides agree, discovery can be ended early.

During this time any evidence or witnesses need to be asked/submitted. We will not be allowing new evidence or witnesses to be submitted during the course of the trial.
The Plaintiff wishes to call smokeyybunnyyy and The_Superior10 to the stand.
Your honor, Superior is hostile to the plaintiff. I propose to move the witness under the defense witness list instead.
Assumes facts not in evidence

The Plaintiff is not hostile to the aforementioned witness, nor is it supported by evidence. Superior only acted as the representative of the Government; the Plaintiff is not hostile to the Witness, and the communication between the Plaintiff and Superior was of civil and bona fide character. The Defendant's request is not grounded in fact, but pure assumptions.
Assumes facts not in evidence

The Plaintiff is not hostile to the aforementioned witness, nor is it supported by evidence. Superior only acted as the representative of the Government; the Plaintiff is not hostile to the Witness, and the communication between the Plaintiff and Superior was of civil and bona fide character. The Defendant's request is not grounded in fact, but pure assumptions.
Your honor, this objection is used to strike witness testimony, not motions.
Assumes facts not in evidence

The Plaintiff is not hostile to the aforementioned witness, nor is it supported by evidence. Superior only acted as the representative of the Government; the Plaintiff is not hostile to the Witness, and the communication between the Plaintiff and Superior was of civil and bona fide character. The Defendant's request is not grounded in fact, but pure assumptions.
We will now move into a 3 Day Discovery period. Should both sides agree, discovery can be ended early.

During this time any evidence or witnesses need to be asked/submitted. We will not be allowing new evidence or witnesses to be submitted during the course of the trial.
Your honor, the defense never submitted a response to complaint. I suggest that we be granted 48 hours to file one.
The court is taking the motion to dismiss as the answer; however, if you wish, you may post an answer before discovery is over. Discovery will continue.
The defense would like to submit Exhibit A / D-01 into evidence:
The court is taking the motion to dismiss as the answer; however, if you wish, you may post an answer before discovery is over. Discovery will continue.
Objection, Your Honor
Breach of Procedure

A motion to dismiss is a motion, not a response to complaint. While it is a unique motion, it does not serve the same fundamental purpose as a response to complaint does. Court procedure mandates a response to complaint whether or not a motion to dismiss is filed.
Objection, Your Honor
Breach of Procedure

A motion to dismiss is a motion, not a response to complaint. While it is a unique motion, it does not serve the same fundamental purpose as a response to complaint does. Court procedure mandates a response to complaint whether or not a motion to dismiss is filed.
Sustained. Please submit your answer before the conclusion of discovery. I will make sure to take note of this for the future.
Sustained. Please submit your answer before the conclusion of discovery. I will make sure to take note of this for the future.
Your honor, I request a 24 hour extension. I don't have time in the next seven hours to write out a response to complaint due to work in a few minutes.
Granted. I will extend discovery as well.
The defense would like to submit Exhibit A / D-01 into evidence:

Your honour,
this evidence is in regard to the Defendant trying to bargain out of Court for the Plaintiff to drop legal charges. After a short discussion, the Plaintiff denied this attempt. I do not see how this evidence has anything to do with my client's bids, or the fault of the Commonwealth to properly render the bids. It cannot be used against the Plaintiff, this evidence supports nothing and certainly cannot prove whether Plaintiff was damaged. Interrogatory as well, as it is subsequential to the Evidence.
Mr. Love 24 hours to respond.

Your honour,
this evidence is in regard to the Defendant trying to bargain out of Court for the Plaintiff to drop legal charges. After a short discussion, the Plaintiff denied this attempt. I do not see how this evidence has anything to do with my client's bids, or the fault of the Commonwealth to properly render the bids. It cannot be used against the Plaintiff, this evidence supports nothing and certainly cannot prove whether Plaintiff was damaged. Interrogatory as well, as it is subsequential to the Evidence.
It goes to show the plaintiff's lack of effort to mitigate damages and resolve the situation in a fair manner, which is important when determining remedies should the plaintiff win.

Your honour,
this evidence is in regard to the Defendant trying to bargain out of Court for the Plaintiff to drop legal charges. After a short discussion, the Plaintiff denied this attempt. I do not see how this evidence has anything to do with my client's bids, or the fault of the Commonwealth to properly render the bids. It cannot be used against the Plaintiff, this evidence supports nothing and certainly cannot prove whether Plaintiff was damaged. Interrogatory as well, as it is subsequential to the Evidence.



The Commonwealth of Redmont

1. The defense does not dispute that "On 2nd July, 2024, the auction for plot R050 was concluded, in which the DCT officer struck down an invalid bid made by Mr President Beezergeezer, and acknowledged that a new bid of $11,500 made by the Plaintiff is unnecessary, as she won on the basis of a previous $10,500 bid."
2. The defense affirms that "On 2nd July, 2024, the Plaintiff won the auction for plot C514 on the basis of her $18,000 dollar bid."
3. The defense affirms that "On 2nd July, 2024, the Plaintiff inquired in the auction channel whether the $18,000 bid stands, because the last bid made by EddieGonza420 of $16,000 was invalid, as it was discover[ed] that they only have $14,500 in their balance."
4. The defense affirms that "Subsequent to Point 3, the DCT officer claimed 'the $18k bid is valid'", and reiterates that the $18,000 bid is indeed valid.
5. The defense does not dispute that On 8th July, 2024, the Plaintiff opened a ticket by the DCT to challenge the $18,000 bid’s validity.
6. The defense does not dispute that "Subsequent to Point 5, the DCT officer in the ticket exclaimed how the Plaintiff 'technically outbid [them]selves with another valid bid, making it the highest valid bid.', and agreed how 'the case with beezer is not really different [to the case in question]'".

1. The defense asserts that all elements of a legal contract were met when the plaintiff outbid themselves. It is clear they knew to check the balance of Eddie as they did so later. Their negligence of not waiting for verification of the opponent's bid caused them to hastily and impulsively outbid themselves and offer $18,000 as consideration for c514. Smokey should have checked Eddie's balance sooner or waited a little for someone to verify the bid. DCT policy states that bids may not be retracted.
2. The DCT's decision to previously grant another auction winner a lower price is not binding to other auctions. The DCT is a Department which acts of its own accord, it is not a Court with binding precedents. If anything, the DCT should not have reduced the price for r050 as the same thing is true: that winner's bid meets the agreements of a formal contract. DCT actions are not valid under the equality clause of the Constitution as it only references laws. It would be like claiming the President has to pardon all criminals because he pardons one, or the DOJ has to drop all fraud charges if they drop one on someone else.

By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 18th day of July, 2024.

The Commonwealth of Redmont



The Plaintiff complains against the Defendant as follows:

This case is causing unnecessary legal expenses on the taxpayer dime, and therefore this counterclaim seeks to establish a request for legal fees from the defendant.

1. smokeyybunnyyy (Plaintiff)
2. Commonwealth of Redmont (Defendant)

1. I have worked at the Department of Justice for three months, meaning my biweekly salary is $5,500 (exhibits A and B) plus $2,000 per case won.
2. These expenses are at the taxpayer's expense.

1. The Legal Damages Act entitles the prevailing party to legal fees, and the DOJ's fee structure is entered into evidence.

The Plaintiff seeks the following from the Defendant:
1. $7,500 in legal fees, as I am receiving $7,500 my next paycheck, where most of my work these next two weeks is on this case.


By making this submission, I agree I understand the penalties of lying in court and the fact that I am subject to perjury should I knowingly make a false statement in court.

DATED: This 18th day of July, 2024.

Objection, Your Honor
Improper Evidence

The evidence above is now unattainable. I request it be stricken as the contents of it cannot be verified, and that the plaintiff has until the end of discovery to recover and repost the exhibits.
Your honour, I apologise about the evidence; why it is no longer rendering as it should be is above me. I request an extension of additional 24 hours to the Discovery, as I will be unable to reinstate the evidence today.
Your honour, I apologise about the evidence; why it is no longer rendering as it should be is above me. I request an extension of additional 24 hours to the Discovery, as I will be unable to reinstate the evidence today.
Breach of Procedure

Your honor, I have further discovered the evidence is discord media links, which is against Court policy. The error is therefore entirely on the plaintiff, and I refute this request for an extension. The plaintiff counsel should take better care to submit proper evidence to the Court.

Your honour, my client isn't on trial for rejecting the Commonwealth's offer to end the case prematurely and walk away failing to adequately recompense the Plaintiff. I call on the Defendant to show the Court the entire discussion, or call the Court to compel the Defendant to do so, in which it would be clear why the Plaintiff withdrew. Not because the Plaintiff didn't want to remedy the damage done to her in a much more expeditious and easier way, but because the Commonwealth acted rudely, inappropriately, and accused the Plaintiff of being "greedy" for suggesting that the compensation of $3.5k was insufficient. The Plaintiff would much rather solve this out-of-Court, and if the Commonwealth would present a better offer in a more amicable manner, representative of a respectable and honoured lawyer such as the Defendant's counsel, then mitigation could truly be delivered by the Plaintiff.

DATED: 19th day of July, 2024
Breach of Procedure

Your honor, I have further discovered the evidence is discord media links, which is against Court policy. The error is therefore entirely on the plaintiff, and I refute this request for an extension. The plaintiff counsel should take better care to submit proper evidence to the Court.
Your honour,
while it is true that Discord links were left in the Complaint, it is not fair coupling my inability to reinstate the evidence currently with a previous error. Within the timeframe I asked of you, the evidence will be reinstated and links substituted. The Defendant was already granted extensions previously.

Thank you.
View attachment 45706
Objection, Your Honor
Improper Evidence

The evidence above is now unattainable. I request it be stricken as the contents of it cannot be verified, and that the plaintiff has until the end of discovery to recover and repost the exhibits.
Sustained. The plaintiff has 24 hours to re-submit the evidence.
Breach of Procedure

Your honor, I have further discovered the evidence is discord media links, which is against Court policy. The error is therefore entirely on the plaintiff, and I refute this request for an extension. The plaintiff counsel should take better care to submit proper evidence to the Court.
Sustained. Again, 24 hours to re-submit the evidence in the correct form.

Your honour, my client isn't on trial for rejecting the Commonwealth's offer to end the case prematurely and walk away failing to adequately recompense the Plaintiff. I call on the Defendant to show the Court the entire discussion, or call the Court to compel the Defendant to do so, in which it would be clear why the Plaintiff withdrew. Not because the Plaintiff didn't want to remedy the damage done to her in a much more expeditious and easier way, but because the Commonwealth acted rudely, inappropriately, and accused the Plaintiff of being "greedy" for suggesting that the compensation of $3.5k was insufficient. The Plaintiff would much rather solve this out-of-Court, and if the Commonwealth would present a better offer in a more amicable manner, representative of a respectable and honoured lawyer such as the Defendant's counsel, then mitigation could truly be delivered by the Plaintiff.

DATED: 19th day of July, 2024
Overruled. However, I do ask Mr. Love to provide the full conversation.
Overruled. However, I do ask Mr. Love to provide the full conversation.
Your honor, it was in a group chat that I no longer have access to. I DMed the plaintiff specifically, all of which is shown above. The negotiations with her lawyer were in a group DM that got disbanded after the plaintiff rejected the offer.
Sustained. Again, 24 hours to re-submit the evidence in the correct form.
Motion to Reconsider

Your honor, the plaintiff blatantly violated court procedure and it is the end of discovery. The plaintiff should not be rewarded with another opportunity to submit evidence which may or may not be the same evidence that was originally “submitted”.
Your honor, it was in a group chat that I no longer have access to. I DMed the plaintiff specifically, all of which is shown above. The negotiations with her lawyer were in a group DM that got disbanded after the plaintiff rejected the offer.

Your honour,
The Defendant perjured himself by claiming this. He, on 15th July, posted the entire conversation to the #legal channel to try and make a mockery of the Plaintiff's and Plaintiff's counsel conduct in the affair. The Defendant knows very well he posted those messages, as it was only four days ago, and he tried to obstruct justice and further his case by refusing to submit this. Since he posted them, it is only reasonable to assume the Defendant still holds the screenshots (even if he didn't, he could have recovered them from Discord).

With your assent, I wish to move this to evidence:

Exhibit A1 - Part 1


Exhibit A2 - Part 2


Exhibit B1 - Proof it was in the channel.
The Defendant perjured himself by claiming this. He, on 15th July, posted the entire conversation to the #legal channel to try and make a mockery of the Plaintiff's and Plaintiff's counsel conduct in the affair. The Defendant knows very well he posted those messages, as it was only four days ago, and he tried to obstruct justice and further his case by refusing to submit this. Since he posted them, it is only reasonable to assume the Defendant still holds the screenshots (even if he didn't, he could have recovered them from Discord).
To be fair I actually forgot I posted it in legal, I post a lot of stuff there. In either case, what I said wasn't untrue: the conversation was in a group chat that I no longer have access to. Thank you for recovering it, I would love for it to be moved into evidence. I wanted it in the first place.
Motion to Reconsider

Your honor, the plaintiff blatantly violated court procedure and it is the end of discovery. The plaintiff should not be rewarded with another opportunity to submit evidence which may or may not be the same evidence that was originally “submitted”.
Overruled. I extended the discovery period earlier today when you requested more time to answer the complaint.


Your honour,
The Defendant perjured himself by claiming this. He, on 15th July, posted the entire conversation to the #legal channel to try and make a mockery of the Plaintiff's and Plaintiff's counsel conduct in the affair. The Defendant knows very well he posted those messages, as it was only four days ago, and he tried to obstruct justice and further his case by refusing to submit this. Since he posted them, it is only reasonable to assume the Defendant still holds the screenshots (even if he didn't, he could have recovered them from Discord).
Sustained. Mr. Love, I do not appreciate your attempt to withhold evidence as directed by a court order.
Overruled. I extended the discovery period earlier today when you requested more time to answer the complaint.

Sustained. Mr. Love, I do not appreciate your attempt to withhold evidence as directed by a court order.
I explained the situation earlier, did you read it? There was no “attempt to withhold evidence”
Struck. Mr. Love, you are instructed to refrain from speaking out of line. You previously indicated that you did not possess the chats I requested. Regardless of how you phrased your response, it was clear you stated that you did not have them when, in fact, you did.
Struck. Mr. Love, you are instructed to refrain from speaking out of line. You previously indicated that you did not possess the chats I requested. Regardless of how you phrased your response, it was clear you stated that you did not have them when, in fact, you did.

Perjury requires intent. Why do we keep ignoring that in this Court? Oh and the statement has to be false. If forgetting something counts as lying, I guess we are all screwed.
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1. Isn't it true that the fair offer initially presented in this screenshot was denied by the plaintiff?
Compound question

This question claims the offer was fair, and whether it was denied by the Plaintiff. It mustn't be phrased like so - The Plaintiff asks it be broken down or retracted, so that the Plaintiff may clearly respond to each one individually.
Mr. Love response?

Commonwealth of Redmont



1. The Counterdefendant does not dispute the first fact, as in evidence provided it is not visible for how long the Defendant worked in the DOJ;
2. The Counterdefendant does not dispute the second fact, as the DOJ fills the Treasury, and thus its own budget, partially with criminal actions, not only with taxpayer's money.

The request of the Counterplaintiff of $7,500 is out of every proportion, as the Commonwealth claims that AlexanderLove is only involved with this case and that he is using all of his energy on it. The Counterplaintiff is involved with other unfiled cases and material, which can be attested by prosecutors in the Department of Justice. This request is a frivolous one, and this counterclaim has no real standing, with questionable claim.

DATED: This 19th day of July, 2024
Mr. Love response?
This is a loaded question, not a compound question. If I recall, you forced me to answer a loaded question by Ko before and charged me with perjury for addressing it. I believe that precedent should be upheld and the plaintiff be required to answer the question with a yes or no.
This is a loaded question, not a compound question. If I recall, you forced me to answer a loaded question by Ko before and charged me with perjury for addressing it. I believe that precedent should be upheld and the plaintiff be required to answer the question with a yes or no.

Your honour,

This statement speaks of potentially personal interactions unknown to the Plaintiff, from an irrelevant case, and is frankly being rude to this Court and our patience. The Plaintiff moves this be stricken and the Defendant given a second chance to provide an answer.

DATED: 20th July, 2024
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