Rescinded SKRT Resolution


Nov 22, 2020
Make transportation more accessible.​

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress, do hereby formally enact this non-binding resolution, as a request to our Government:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
  1. This Resolution may be cited as the “Setting and Keeping Reasonable Transportation Costs Resolution” or as the “SKRT Resolution”.
  2. This Resolution was authored by Senator LilDigiVert and Representative ElainaThomas29

2 - Reasons

  1. Digi’s Reasons:
I'm dead in the middle of two generations
I'm little bro and big bro all at once
Just left the lab with young Simplymadi
I'm 'bout to go and meet Hugebob for lunch
Had a long talk with the young rapper Tekko
Reminded me of young homies from ‘Will
Straight out the projects, no fakin', just honest
I wish that he had more guidance, for real
Too many players in cycle of jail
Spending they birthdays inside of a cell
We coming from a long bloodline of trauma
We raised by our mamas, Lord we gotta heal
We hurting our sisters, the babies as well
We killing our brothers, they poisoned the well
Distorted self image, we set up to fail
I'ma make sure that the real gon' prevail

2. Elaina’s Reasons:
  1. People should have the right to free public transport.
  2. People do not currently use public transportation due to its high costs.
  3. More people would use public transportation if it was free.
  4. High prices for public transportation currently acts as a barrier to people deciding to move into towns as it is currently ~$29 to travel to towns.

3 – Terms

Congress asks the Department of Construction & Transportation to make all public transportation free within Hamilton, and lower the cost of traveling to towns to somewhere between $0-$10.