Report Record of Motions [10th Congress]


Former President
Oakridge Resident
Trifecta Presidential Commendation Impeached President
Sep 14, 2020
10th Congress of The Commonwealth of Redmont

Authorized by the Office of the Presiding Officers
Updated by Speaker xLayzur & Press Assistant A__C

The Record of Motions is a report that shall be regularly updated by the Press Assistant each Congressional term to maintain transparency and provide the public a means by which they may view the various motions proposed in Congress.

In Chronological Order
Vote Count Format: <Aye - Nay - Abstain>

Motion to Re-Establish the Economics Committee (11/14/21)
Description: to re-establish the existing Joint Economics Committee with the following members: Sen. Sleepjay, Sen. xerxesmc, Sen. sleepyjay, Rep. layzur, Rep. Milkcrack, Rep. Figomessi, Rep. kaeylncreamm,
Motioned by: xLayzur
Status: Rejected by senate
House Vote: 11-0-0
Senate Vote: 0-0-5
- Sen. Huney, xeresmc, sleepyjay, Austin, awwnicki nay'd

Motion to Re-Establish the Economics Committee x2 (11/14/21)
Description: to re-establish the existing Joint Economics Committee with the following members: Sen. Sleepjay, Sen. xerxesmc, Rep. layzur, Rep. Milkcrack, Rep. Figomessi, Rep. kaeylncreamm, Rep. Hugebob.
Motioned by: Sen. xerxesmc
Status: Passed
Senate Vote: 5-0-0

Motion to Re-Establish the Ethics Committee (11/14/21)
Description: to re-establish the existing Joint Ethics Committee with the following members: Sen. sleepjay, Sen. awwnicki, Rep. Layzur, Rep. Vanquish, Rep. Kaelyncream, Rep. Bubba, Rep. Rurge.
Motioned by: xLayzur
Status: Passed
House Vote: 8-1-0
- Rep. oferinbar abstains

Motion to Re-Establish the Budget Committee (11/14/21)
Description: to re-establish the existing Joint Budget Committee with the following members: Chairman Ghast, Sen. Sleepyjay, Sen. Awwnicki, Sen. Pugbandit, Rep. Milkcrack, Rep. Rurge, Rep. Oferinbar.
Motioned by: xLayzur
Status: Passed
House Vote: 10-0-0

Motion to Re-Establish the Legal Committee (11/14/21)
Description: to re-establish the existing Joint Legal Committee with the following members: Sen. Austin, Sen. Awwnicki, Sen. Pugbandit, Rep. Vanquish, Rep. Ghast, Rep. Milkcrack, Rep. Bubba.
Motioned by: xLayzur
Status: Passed
House Vote: 9-1-0
- Rep. oferinbar abstains

Motion to Re-Establish the Executive Oversight Committee (11/14/21)
Description: to re-establish the Executive Oversight Committee to be a Jointed Committee with the following members: Chairman Austin, Sen. Awwnicki, Sen. Pugbandit, Sen. xerxesmc, Rep. layzur, Rep. Vanquish, Rep. Hugebob.
Motioned by: xLayzur
Status: Rejected by senate
House Vote: 6-2-1
- Rep. oferinbar abstains
- Rep. Bubba abstains
- Rep. hugebob nay's

Motion to add a Member to the Ethics Committee (11/14/21)
Description: add Senate xerxesmc to the Ethics Committee
Motioned by: xLayzur
Status: Passed
House Vote: 9-0-1
- Rep. Hugebob nays

Motion of Censure (11/14/21)
Description: Motioned a censure from the House of Representatives against the Senate on the following grounds: "The Senate as an institution exists as a means for retired politicians to exert their influence on Government and get paid for it while offering nothing in return. It is essentially a welfare program for the rich and powerful and no longer serves its original purpose, which I allege on the basis of literally being in the room when the Senate was made. The Senate in its current form is legally bound to inactivity, unable to act, and unwilling to grant itself the powers to act. They are a part of the legislative branch and do not have the power to legislate. They are unamenable to remedy this problem, but rather enjoy sitting around collecting their taxpayer-funded salaries while the rest of the public averages balances under $5,000. This is disgraceful and must change immediately, whether it be through Senatorial Bill Origination or Abolition of the Senate. I urge my fellow members of the House to speak out against this egregious disrespect for our system of Democracy, and to stand up to the Senate in their obstructionism against the mandate upon which we were elected."
Motioned by: Rep. Hugebob
Status: Rejected by house
House Vote: 1-2-7
- Rep. Ghast and Krix abstain
- Rep. Layzur, Milkcrack, Vanquish, Figomessi, oferinbar, Bubba, and Kaelyncream Nay

Motion of Commendation (11/16/21)
Description: Propose a commendation from both chambers of congress to 1950minecrafter for being an influential statesman in Redmont.
Motioned by: Senator pugbandit
Status: Passed
House Vote: 10-0-1
- Rep. KaelynCream abstained

Pres. Officer Staff Nomination (11/16/21)
Speaker xLayzur nominated Edoraynaldo777 to the position of Clerk
Status: Rejected by senate
House Vote: 8-2-1
- Rep. Krix and oferinbar nay'd
- Rep. Bubba abstained
Senate Vote: 0-5-0
- Sen. Huney, xerxesmc, pugbandit, Austin27, and awwnicki nay'd

Pres. Officer Staff Nomination (11/16/21)
Speaker xLayzur nominated Neemfy to the position of Deputy Clerk
Status: Passed
House Vote: 9-1-1
- Rep. Krix nay'd
- Rep. oferinbar abstained
Senate Vote: 5-0-0

Pres. Officer Staff Nomination (11/16/21)
Speaker xLayzur nominated Nacholebraa to the position of Press Assistant
Status: Rejected by senate
House Vote: 8-2-1
- Rep. Krix and oferinbar nay'd
- Rep. kaelyncream abstained
Senate Vote: 0-4-1
- Sen. Huney, xerxesmc, pugbandit and Austin nay'd
- Sen. Awwnicki abstained

Pres. Officer Staff Nomination (11/16/21)
Speaker xLayzur nominated Technicio to the position of Draftsman
Status: Passed
House Vote: 7-1-3
- Rep. Krix nay'd
- Rep. Vanquish, oferinbar, and Bubba abstained
Senate Vote: 3-0-3
- Sen. Huney, pugbandit and Austin abstained

Pres. Officer Staff Nomination (11/16/21)
Speaker xLayzur nominated nnmc to the position of Clerk
Status: Passed
House Vote: 10-0-0
Senate Vote: 6-0-0

Judicial Nomination (11/20/21)
President 218218Consumer nominates JoeGamer to the Federal Court of Redmont.
Status: Passed
Senate Vote: 5-0-0

Attorney General Nomination (11/20/21)
President 218218Consumer nominates nnmc to the Office of the Attorney General.
Status: Passed
Senate Vote: 6-0-0

Representative Nomination (11/21/21)
Speaker xLayzur nominated Eastray_ to the House of Representatives to fill the vacancy left by Krix.
Status: Passed
House Vote: 7-0-2
- Rep. Figomessi and Kaelyncream abstained
Senate Vote: 5-0-0

Representative Nomination (11/21/21)
Speaker xLayzur nominated dodojoe878 to the House of Representatives to fill the vacancy left by Vanquish.
Status: Rejected
House Vote: 4-5-0
- Rep. Hugebob, Milkcrack, Ghast, Rurge, and Kaelyncream nay'd

Special Election (11/21/21)
Motioned by Speaker xLayzur to fill the vacancy left by Rep. Vanquish
Status: Passed
House Vote: 7-3-0
- Rep. Rurge, oferinbar, and bubba nay'd
Senate Vote: 5-0-0

Motion to Establish the House Executive Oversight Committee (11/28/21)
Description: Establish a committee to oversee executive affairs with the following members: Rep. Milkcrack, Rep. Rurge, Rep. Hugebob, Rep. Eastray, Rep. KaelynCream
Status: Passed
Motioned by: Rep. Milkcrack
House Vote: 10-0-0

Judicial Nomination (12/01/21)
President 218218Consumer nominates xEndeavour to the Federal Court of Redmont.
Status: Passed
Senate Vote: 3-2-1
- Sen. xerxesmc, pugbandit nay'd
- Sen. awwimnicki abstained

Vice President Nomination (12/07/21)
President 218218Consumer nominates LilDigiVert to the Office of Vice President.
Status: Passed
Senate Vote: 5-0-1
- Sen. pugbandit abstained

Pres. Officer Staff Nomination (12/07/21)
Speaker xLayzur nominated AlexanderLove to the position of Draftsman
Status: Rejected by Senate
House Vote: 8-2-0
- Rep. Eastray_, oferinbar nay'd
Senate Vote: 0-4-1
- Sen. huney, xerxesmc, sleepyjay, awwimnicki nay'd
- Sen. Austin abstained

Pres. Officer Staff Nomination (12/07/21)
Speaker xLayzur nominated A__C to the position of Press Assistant
Status: Passed
House Vote: 8-1-1
- Rep. KaelynCream nay'd
- Rep. Bubba abstained
Senate Vote: 6-0-0

Pres. Officer Staff Nomination (12/07/21)
Speaker xLayzur nominated StitchMix to the position of Draftsman
Status: Passed
House Vote: 8-2-0
- Rep. Eastray, oferinbar nay'd
Senate Vote: 5-0-0

Representative Nomination (12/07/21)
Speaker xLayzur nominated xeu100 to the House of Representatives to fill the vacancy left by LilDigiVert.
Status: Passed
House Vote: 6-0-4
- Rep. Milkcrack, Figomessi, Bubba, KaelynCream abstained
Senate Vote: 5-0-0

Motion to amend the Commission Expansion Act (12/08/21)
Senator xerxesmc has motioned to amend the Commission Expansion Act of 2021
Description: Change the 50% minimum commission rate to 33%.
Status: Rejected by House
House Vote: 1-8-1
- Rep. HugeBob, xLayzur, MilkCrack, Ghast, Rurge, Figomessi, Bubba, KaelynCream nay'd
- Rep. oferinbar abstained
Senate Vote: 5-0-0

Motion to amend the Legal Board Act (12/13/2021)
President of Senate Austin27 motions to amend the Modern Legal Board Act as follows:
“(2) The Redmont Bar Association may add additional requirements or modify the entry exam”
Changes to:
“(2) The Redmont Bar Association may add additional requirements or modify the entry exam in conjunction with the Department of Education & Commerce.”
Status: Passed
House Vote: 8-0-0
Senate Vote: 5-0-0

Judicial Nomination (12/19/21)
President 218218Consumer nominates Wuutie to the Supreme Court of Redmont.
Status: Passed
Senate Vote: 5-0-0

Motion of Censure (12/19/21)
Description: The Senate Executive Oversight Committee motions to censure DOJ Secretary GoldBlooded due to continuous abuse of powers as seen in the document provided below: (link here)
Status: Passed
Senate Vote: 5-0-0

Motion for Impeachment (12/20/21)
Submit articles of Impeachment (link here)
Secretary GoldBlooded has violated right XIII, "Every citizen is equal before and under the law and has the right to equal protection and equal benefit of the law without unfair discrimination and, in particular, without unfair discrimination based on political belief or social status." and right XIV "Every citizen has the right to life, liberty, and security of the person and the right not to be deprived thereof except in accordance with the principles of fundamental justice." when he murdered a lawful citizen without consent, removed his own wanted points, and instructed officers not to arrest him.​
This is after he had previously been investigated for malpractice in the position of DOJ Secretary on multiple instances and was pressured into resigning the office of the Vice Presidency, and so it can be reasonably assumed that GoldBlooded is familiar with the gravity of these actions and the consequences for them.​
For these reasons, I urge the House to impeach GoldBlooded, and for the Senate to convict GoldBlooded, removing him from office, and barring him from serving in elected office, judicial office, and executive office for the maximum allowed period of 2 months.​
Motioned by: Rep. Hugebob
House Vote: 7-0-2
- Rep. xLayzur, Figomessi abstained

Motion to amend the Oath of Office Act (12/20/21)
President of Senate Austin27 motions to amend the Oath of Office Act as follows:
"(3) The oath of office shall be “I, (username), do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Redmont for the people. So help me End.” Changes to: "(3) The oath of office for all senior government officials excluding the President shall be “I, (username), do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Redmont for the people. So help me End.” (3.1) The oath of office for the President of the Commonwealth of Redmont shall be "I, (username), do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the Commonwealth of Redmont, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the Commonwealth of Redmont for the people. So help me End."
Status: Passed
House Vote: 9-0-0
Senate Vote: 5-0-0

Nomination of awwimnicki to be the Secretary of Justice (12/20/21)
President 218218Consumer nominates awwimnicki to the position of Secretary of Justice.
Status: Passed
Senate Vote: 4-0-0

Motion for Reconsideration (12/21/21)
Deputy Speaker Figomessi has motioned for reconsideration of the Commission Expansion Act of 2021. Statement:
The reason for this motion is that much of the Senate according to President Pro Tempore Austin27, was on vacation. The bill was failed to reach a majority as only two Senators voted on the bill, 1 aye and 1 nay. I feel that this bill was not properly considered and only two senators vote on them and 4 others did not. It is only fair that since Congress represents the people, we should consider a bill with proper voting.​
Status: Passed
House Vote: 11-0-0
Senate Vote: 5-0-0

Motion for Special Election (12/21/21)
President of Senate Austin27 motions to hold a special election for the replacement of former Senator awwimnicki.
Status: Passed
House Vote: 10-0-1
- Rep. oferinbar abstained
Senate Vote: 5-0-0

Nomination for Senate (12/23/21)
President of Senate Austin27 nominates the following individuals to awwimnicki’s seat (as mandated by the Electoral Act):
- Aladeen
- 37
- Reaperray
Status: Rejected
Senate Vote: 0-5-0
- Sen. huney, xerxesmc, pugbandit, sleepyjay, Austin nay'd

Nomination of FracturedGhast7 to be Ambassador for Vindex (12/26/21)
President 218218Consumer nominates FracturedGhast7 to the position of Ambassador for Vindex.
Status: Passed
Senate Vote: 4-0-1
- Sen. xerxesmc abstained

Motion for Muffins29 to be added to the Senate Executive Oversight committee (12/28/21)
President of Senate Austin27 motions for Muffins29 to be added to the Senate Executive Oversight committee as a replacement for Fmr. Senator Nicki.
Status: Passed
Senate Vote: 6-0-0

Motion for Senators huney69 & sleepyjay_ to be added to the Senate Executive Oversight Committee (12/29/21)
Motioned by: Sen. huney
Status: Passed
Senate Vote: 6-0-0

Nomination of Ansgard_Ist to be Ambassador for Stratham (12/31/21)
President 218218Consumer nominates Ansgard_Ist to the position of Ambassador for Stratham.
Status: Rejected
Senate Vote: 0-5-0
- Sen. huney, xerxesmc, sleepyjay, Muffins29, Austin nay'd

Motion of Commendation (1/7/22)
Description: Propose a commendation from the Senate to Twixted for his hard work within the Department of Public Affairs and on the server, specifically during the holiday season.
Motioned by: Sen. huney
Status: Passed
Senate Vote: 5-0-0

Judicial Nomination (1/7/22)
President 218218Consumer nominates xEndeavour to the position of Chief Justice for the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Redmont.
Status: Rejected
Senate vote: 3-2-1
- Sen. xerxesmc, pugbandit nay’d
- Sen. sleepyjay abstained

Judicial Nomination (1/8/22)
President 218218Consumer nominates xEndeavour to the position of Chief Justice for the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Redmont.
Status: Passed
Senate vote: 4-2-0
- Sen. xerxesmc, pugbandit nay’d
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