Act of Council Internal Affairs Act

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Deputy Speaker of the House
Justice Department
Public Affairs Department
Redmont Bar Assoc.
Oakridge Resident
Jul 17, 2020

Establish an Internal Affairs Department

The citizens of Oakridge, through their elected Representatives in the Town-Council and the force of law ordained to that Town-Council by the people through the constitution of Oakridge, do hereby enact the following provisions into the by-laws:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'Internal Affairs Act.'
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This Act has been authored by Dep. Mayor zLost
(4) This Act has been co-sponsored by Mayor Yeet_Boy

2 - Reasons
(1) We need to be more independant from the Department of State.
(2) This Act aims to allow Oakridge to hold its own elections.

3 - Amendments
A new Section II will be added to the Oakridge Constitution, named "Departments". This Section will state each Oakridge Department's duty and powers. Current Section II and Section III will be renamed to Section III and IV respectively. The new Section II will state:


Article IV - Oakridge shall have departments which will be created through the Legislative Process. Each department will have specific duties, responsibilities and powers which will be listed here. The head of a department will be a Town Council member who is assigned to that Department in this constitution. The head of a department will decide the rank structure of their respective department. The following are Departments of Oakridge:

a) Department of Internal Affairs
The Department of Internal Affairs is charged with the following responsibilities:
(1) Facilitation of any and all elections in the Town of Oakridge, other than elections which are the Department of State's responsibility stated outside of this Constitution.
(2) Foreign Relations.
(3) Communications with other towns and Reveille.
(4) Evaluation and oversight of the Town Council.
(5) Providing transparency to the Citizens of Oakridge.

(1) Head of Internal Affairs

Article V of the current Section II will be amended from:
Elections will take place on the 30th of each assigned month (with the exception of February, which will take place on the 28th). The election will be handled by the Department of State to ensure the integrity of the election. During this time, the council or the mayor shall not be able to pass new bylaws, constitutional changes, or resolutions that may affect the new incoming mayor/council.

Elections will take place on the 30th of each assigned month (with the exception of February, which will take place on the 28th). The election will be handled by the Department of Internal Affairs to ensure the integrity of the election. During this time, the council or the mayor shall not be able to pass new bylaws, constitutional changes, or resolutions that may affect the new incoming mayor/council.

4 - Head of Internal Affairs
Head of Internal Affairs is a Town Council position that is assigned by the Mayor with approval from a majority of the Town Council. The Head of Internal Affairs won't change even if the Mayor that assigned them has had their term end. The Head of Internal Affairs may only be removed from their position through a supermajority of the Town Council voting to remove them, or the Mayor removing them. There is no need for Town Council approval for the Mayor to remove the Head of Internal Affairs.

Head of Internal Affairs will be considered a Government Employee in Federal Law, to prevent unfair dismissal of the Head of Internal Affairs. If a citizen requests so after an election has ended, the Head of Internal Affairs will be required to send a video of them opening the page for the polls for the election the citizen requested in an unedited video to show integrity of the Elections. The identities of people who voted and who they voted for will not be allowed to be shown in the unedited video.

5 - Classification
The following are hereby classified:
(1) The results of an election before they have been publicly announced by the Department of Internal Affairs after the election has ended.
(2) The identity of any voters or who they voted for in an election.

(Note: All articles after the new Article IV will be re-numbered to follow correct ordering scheme)
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