Inauguration Address - President Austin27

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Vice President
Mar 19, 2021
President Austin27

Citizens of Redmont,

I stand here today, humbled for the position you have placed me in. I praise those who have come before me for the work they put into this nation, to get us to where we are today. This government is entirely an experiment, Presidential Elections in Minecraft are something very few do. I am proud to say that I am not only the fifth President of Redmont but also the third elected President of Redmont. I cannot place enough emphasis on why that is such an important thing.

In the past year, we’ve built a fully functioning democratic government on a Minecraft Server. We have political parties, rivalries and alliances all within our little community. I am honored, humbled and overwhelmed by the idea that you all elected ME to be your next leader. Before I address our vision for the future of Redmont, I would be remiss if I didn’t extend a couple thank you’s as well.

First, to those who also sought this position. Vanquish and I both know the difficulties of running a Presidential campaign and it’s not something you do just to do. You have to believe in yourself that you are the best person to be the head of government for the next four months.

To 1950 and Sprite, you two ran an admirable campaign - dedicated in every way to putting the people first. 1950, you are persistent and dedicated, day in and day out to this server. I hope that you will continue your time here in public service and I hope to work with you in the months going forward.

To Zab and Elaina, I know what this election meant to the both of you. After some rocky interactions between our campaigns, I know we don’t necessarily see eye to eye right now, and that’s okay; I have full faith that time will heal the wounds of campaign season. However, as I stand here in this spot as your President I commit myself to working for you, no matter our personal or political differences. That goes for every citizen of Redmont, whether you voted for me or not, I am devoted to ensuring the success of every individual. Zab has a long history in this government, one that I truly admire. I hope to work with him in the four months that I occupy this office, preferably on both a professional or personal level. As for Elaina, I am delighted that she will be joining me in my executive cabinet as the next Secretary of Justice. A massive congratulations to her, I have full faith that she will run the Department of Justice with dignity and compassion. And congratulations to Andrey who has now officially taken over the responsibilities of Speaker of the House.

To End and Tech, when I first joined DemocracyCraft you were the administration I looked up to. End was President, Tech was Vice President. It was, what seemed like, an unstoppable duo. There was no thought in my mind that nearly 9 months later I too would be President, with Vanquish at my side. I thank the both of you for your passion and dedication to DemocracyCraft, a server filled with hope and light for all ages and all interests. I am honored that as Owners, you let Presidential Elections occur. It’s not an easy task allowing the members of our community to elect the leader of the government. As End once said, “the power that the President assumes will shape the future of the server, or break it.” I promise to be mindful of every action I take, knowing that it very well could be an action that breaks this server and the community we’ve all worked so hard to develop.

To Bob and the outgoing administration, it has been my honor to serve the citizens of Redmont with you as the Secretary of State for the past three months. This cabinet has felt like a family, one that unified ourselves together in times of hardship yet worked separately to administer our departments and push this government forward with strong progressive policies on a daily basis. Bob, West may have been the first elected President but you certainly defined the role in a whole new way. Some could argue for the worse and well, some would argue for the better. I am grateful for your compassion and heart for this server and this government. Shortly, you will be leaving both - something that I have been dreading for a while now. You’re moving on to bigger and better things and that I admire. But don’t forget, when you make your first million - we’ll be waiting on those checks to arrive in our mailboxes. Much love, always.

To LilDigiVert and friends, I would not be standing here on this stage without your love and support. Digi, you were my campaign manager in my first Presidential campaign - before then and since, you have remained a loyal friend and advocate for our joint beliefs. What the public doesn’t see is the countless hours spent conversing with individuals such as yourself to make this government run. You’re the in house speech writer and the best rapper DC has ever seen. My friends, you all know who you are, I stand here on this stage for a reason. I stand here because the people chose me to lead this government. What the people don’t realize is that I’m just the candidate. There are countless people behind the scenes who support me and have allowed me to get to this stage. I am humbled and grateful to be a part of this community, my friends have embraced me for who I am and no matter what challenges I throw their way - they are always willing to help. I have four months ahead of me and I know today that they will be with me through it all. I love y’all and I can’t thank you enough.

And finally, you. The People. The Commonwealth of Redmont is our nation but for many of us, DemocracyCraft is our second home. For me, being a member of this community means a feeling of love, of acceptance and of passion. Just 4 days ago, Vanquish and I sat silent in a VC while we awaited the election results. We sat, hopeful, but anxious. As we waited for the results, countless members of this community comforted us and gave us hope. As we saw the notification from government announcements, our hearts sank as we read the message, an uproar in the stage VC occurred and Vanquish and I knew we had won. It’s a feeling like no other, only two people can relate to that - Krix and Bob. The moral of that story is this, we simply wouldn’t be here today without the people. My promise has always been to “put the people first” that means over politics, over party and over power. That promise still holds true today - the people of the commonwealth of Redmont are my first priority. We have representatives and senators in congress who share individual ideals but my task as President is to fight for every citizen whether you voted for me or not. I pledge that from today and on for the next four months, I will fight - harder than I ever have before - to do what’s best for our citizens.

And that brings us to today, a day of unity, of hope, of laughter and fun. Today marks the beginning of a four month journey that the history books will call “The Austin Administration” where I will strive day in and day out to push this government forward with my progressive agenda. I will trust in the members I have placed in my executive cabinet and especially, my Vice President - Vanquish. Together, she and I will form a government that stands for unity rather than toxicity, compassion rather than division, and most importantly, people rather than politics. That was my first promise to you on the campaign trail and still holds true today; this will be a government that always puts the people first.

With that being said, there are a myriad of issues that I plan to address to improve the quality of Redmont and DemocracyCraft as a whole.

First and foremost, my presidency will start the era of foreign relations. As some of you may have noticed, President Koalition and Prime Minister Info of BusinessCraft join us here today. Upon my victory, President Koal reached out to me to extend his warm congratulations and to form a connection between our two nations. President Bob and I, along with many others, worked in the final months of this administration to make foreign relations possible. Most recently, we nominated and the Senate confirmed our official Ambassador - Ansgard. I am delighted to say that via his persistence and passion for this venture, BusinessCraft also appointed their own Ambassador - Gabi, who joins us here today as well. I have the great honor, on behalf of the Commonwealth of Redmont, to do something today that I am very proud of. This nation is hereby gifting a plot to the government of Stratham for an embassy that will house the very core of the affairs between our two nations. I will personally be showing President Koal and Prime Minister Info to the site at the conclusion of this ceremony.

Foreign relations will be a massive part of my administration but I must also focus on our land here at home. I campaigned on town autonomy and real reform. Many of you either live or own land in a town, possibly even multiple towns. As Secretary of State I worked for 7 months with mayors on a daily basis, I have heard their concerns and I will address them. I will sign executive orders as President outlining changes to the town system as well as an additional 5th town.

For a short while now, we have seen suffering in our economy. My campaign was run on bringing stabilization to such. Drastic deflation and lack of jobs must be addressed and resolved. I made a promise that change would come on day 1 of my administration, although some would consider day 1 to be tomorrow - my administration will begin such change today. The public will see a government buyback program for ores such as diamonds which have recently seen dramatic deflation. Not only will this stimulate our economy but prices will be restored to where they were and should remain. Our towns utilize the build world, being built entirely via creative. This comes at the detriment of those citizens who run building block businesses. Just as I said before, the public will also see a government tender for towns and other large government buildings that were built entirely from creative. It’s time to get money into the pockets of our citizens and build this economy back.

I close this speech with the following; everyone has a boss. My boss is the people. I pledge myself to work for the citizens of Redmont wholeheartedly, without any mental reservation for the next four months. I am willing to adapt, to compromise, to understand and listen but the will of the people will always come first. As my predecessor always said and I will continue to say - my fellow citizens, Glory to Redmont.

Thank you.
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