Bill: Rejected Fix the Legislature Act

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Mar 22, 2022

Amend the Constitution

The people of DemocracyCraft, through their elected Representatives in Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This Act may be cited as the 'Fix the Legislature Act'
(2) This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage and passage of the referendum.
(3) This Act was authored by Dartanman
(4) This Act has been proposed by Speaker bibsfi4a
(5) This Act has been co-sponsored by Senator Zlost

2 - Reasons
(1) The Legislature is argued by many to be the most powerful branch of Government in Redmont.
(2) Thus, it is important to make sure it runs smoothly and has all the necessary powers to function properly.
(3) Section V does not exist in the Constitution, but Part V does.
(4) Redmont and “the server” are not the same thing.
(5) Some of Part I, Section 3, is redundant and/or incomplete.
(6) Standardize some terms (e.g. “The House” → “The House of Representatives”)

3 - Terms
(1) Under “PART I - THE CONGRESS”, Section “1. Legislative Power”, replace
Legislative power is vested in the Congress, consisting of two equal chambers, hereinafter called The Senate and The House of Representatives.
Legislative power is vested in the Congress, consisting of two chambers, hereinafter called The Senate and The House of Representatives.

(2) Under “PART I - THE CONGRESS”, Section “2. Role of Congress”, replace
  • Responsible for the creation, as well as the modification and removal of all server laws.
  • Congress can also change rules in addition to laws, but only rules that affect groups that the government has oversight of.
  • Congress has the ability to amend the Constitution as prescribed by Section V of this Constitution
  • Congress may amend, create, regulate through appropriations, and remove government departments, including the roles and responsibilities they hold, and the positions within them. All of these except regulation through appropriations are complex changes.
  • Congress can override an Executive Order (EO) made by the President by a super majority vote in both chambers.
  • Congress can override a Presidential veto by super majority vote in both chambers.
  • Congress can impose, amend, cease, and collect taxes.
  • Congress can check, approve, or deny government spending
  • Congress cannot give themselves power over other branches of Government nor can they take power away from them.
  • Congress cannot override a veto on an appropriations bill.
  • Congress cannot override a veto of a complex change.
  • The Congress shall have the power to originate an Appropriations bill which shall allocate Government funds for specific purposes. Such a bill may be proposed at any time unless otherwise codified in law outside this Constitution.
  • Congress may pass non-binding resolutions as formal requests to the Executive and the Departments. These do not require presidential assent.
  • Congress may vote to remove the President for being unfit for office through the defined impeachment process or the defined process of the President being considered incapacitated.
  • Congress is responsible for the creation, modification, and removal of Redmont’s laws.
  • Congress can change rules that solely affect groups that the Government has oversight of.
  • Congress has the ability to amend the Constitution, in accordance with Part V of the Constitution
  • Congress may amend, create, regulate through appropriations, and remove Government departments, including the roles and responsibilities they hold, and the positions within them. All of these except regulation through appropriations are complex changes.
  • Congress can override an Executive Order (EO) made by the President by a super majority vote in both chambers.
  • Congress can override a Presidential veto by a super majority vote in both chambers.
  • Congress can override a Presidential veto by super majority vote in both chambers.
  • Congress can impose, amend, cease, and collect taxes.
  • Congress can check, approve, or deny government spending
  • Congress cannot give themselves power over other branches of Government nor can they take power away from them.
  • Congress cannot override a veto on an appropriations bill.
  • Congress cannot override a veto of a complex change.
  • Congress shall have the power to originate an Appropriations bill which shall allocate Government funds for specific purposes. Such a bill may be proposed at any time unless otherwise codified in law outside this Constitution.
  • Congress may pass non-binding resolutions as formal requests to the Executive and the Departments. These do not require presidential assent.
  • Congress may vote to remove the President for being unfit for office through the defined impeachment process or the defined process of the President being considered incapacitated.
  • Congress can issue a declaration of war against a foreign power by a super majority vote in both chambers. A declaration of war must have a set expiry date, and last no longer than 30 days.

(3) Under “PART I - THE CONGRESS”, Section “3. The House of Representatives”

  • The House of Representatives is responsible for the creation of all bills.
  • The House of Representatives begins the process of overriding a non-complex Presidential veto by a supermajority of votes. Such a motion would then be delivered to the Senate.
  • Congress cannot override a veto of a complex change.
  • Congress cannot give themselves power over other branches of Government nor can they take power away from
  • Can impeach government officials, and ex-government officials no more than 2 months after leaving office, if the actions that led to impeachment happened while in office.
  • The House shall have the power to issue a motion of Censure against any person or group. This has no legal repercussions and is purely a statement of disapproval. Should this motion be specific to the House’s disapproval it does not require Senate approval or Presidential assent. Should this motion seek to represent the whole Congress’s disapproval it must also attain Senate approval but not Presidential assent.
  • The House may create and start a vote on non-binding resolutions. These do not require presidential assent.
  • The House of Representatives is responsible for the creation of all bills.
  • The House of Representatives begins the process of overriding a non-complex Presidential veto by a supermajority of votes. Such a motion would then be delivered to the Senate.
  • The House of Representatives can impeach government officials, and ex-government officials no more than 2 months after leaving office, if the actions that led to impeachment happened while in office.
  • The House of Representatives can conduct investigations into Government officials, and ex-government officials no more than 2 months after leaving office, if investigating a suspected impeachable offense.
  • The House of Representatives shall have the power to issue a motion of Censure against any person or group. This has no legal repercussions and is purely a statement of disapproval. Should this motion be specific to the House of Representatives’ disapproval it does not require Senate approval or Presidential assent. Should this motion seek to represent the whole Congress’s disapproval it must also attain Senate approval but not Presidential assent.
  • The House of Representatives may create and start a vote on non-binding resolutions. These do not require presidential assent.

(4) Under “PART I - THE CONGRESS”, Section “4. The Senate”, replace
  • Responsible for reviewing all bills passed by the House of Representatives and voting on them as well as making amendments where they see fit.
  • Approving and overturning motions of no confidence.
  • Responsible for conducting impeachment trials after the house has impeached the official or ex-official, whereby a supermajority is required to decide a verdict. The Chief Justice shall preside over impeachment trials if the President or Vice-President is the one under question. If there is no active Chief Justice or the senate beliefs there might be a conflict of interest, the senate may appoint the "President of The Senate" or a lower-ranking justice instead. The Senate can only issue punishments to a verdict as specified within this constitution.
  • Responsible for approving and rejecting players nominated by the President for Cabinet and Judicial appointments.
  • The Senate shall have the power to issue a motion of Censure against any person or group. This has no legal repercussions and is purely a statement of disapproval. Should this motion be specific to the Senate’s disapproval it does not require House approval or Presidential assent.
  • The Senate may create and start a vote on non-binding resolutions. These do not require presidential assent.
  • Responsible for approving the signage/revocation/leaving of any treaty in which the Commonwealth of Redmont is involved, after a motion started by the President and through a simple majority vote.
  • The Senate is responsible for reviewing all bills passed by the House of Representatives and voting on them as well as making amendments where they see fit.
  • The Senate can approve and overturn motions of no confidence.
  • The Senate is responsible for conducting impeachment trials after the House of Representatives has impeached the official or ex-official, whereby a supermajority is required to decide a verdict. The Chief Justice shall preside over impeachment trials if the President or Vice-President is the one under question. If there is no active Chief Justice or the Senate believes there might be a conflict of interest, the Senate may appoint a lower-ranking justice instead. The Senate can only issue punishments to a verdict as specified within this constitution.
  • The Senate is responsible for approving and rejecting players nominated by the President for Cabinet and Judicial appointments.
  • The Senate shall have the power to issue a motion of Censure against any person or group. This has no legal repercussions and is purely a statement of disapproval. Should this motion be specific to the Senate’s disapproval it does not require House of Representatives approval or Presidential assent.
  • The Senate may create and start a vote on non-binding resolutions. These do not require presidential assent.
  • The Senate is responsible for approving the signage/revocation/leaving of any treaty in which the Commonwealth of Redmont is involved, after a motion started by the President and through a simple majority vote.
  • The Senate can force a declaration of war to expire early by a simple majority vote.