Executive Order Executive Order 8/24 - Wages

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Frmr. President of Redmont
Construction & Transport Department
State Department
Interior Department
Willow Resident
President Presidential Commendation Order of Redmont Powerbroker
Feb 27, 2021

By the power vested in me by the Redmont Constitution, I, GoldBlooded, President of the Commonwealth of Redmont, do declare the following under this Executive Order:

Per section 4(1)a of the Economic Standards Act, "The Executive has exclusive jurisdiction as to what salary level occupations fall into." I hereby institute the following standards for executive wages:
4 - Government Wages
(1) There are six levels of salaries provided by the Government.
(a) The Executive has exclusive jurisdiction as to what salary level occupations fall into.
(b) Legislative or Judicial salaries cannot be withheld.
(c) Changes to the salaries of Representatives and Senators take effect following the next election for that chamber.
(d) A Judge's remuneration cannot be decreased without the unanimous consent of that occupation (i.e., All Justices must agree on pay decreases to the Justice occupation)
(2) Salary Levels
(a) Level 0: Commission
(b) Level 1: $45/15min - Leaders of Government Branches; Significant Responsibility, management, and governance.
(c) Level 2: $35/15min - Members of peak bodies within the Government branches; A great amount of responsibility, management, and governance. Additionally, a lot of work off the server.
(d) Level 3: $30/15min - Middle management of departments. A large amount of responsibility, management, and governance. Little work is required of the server.
(e) Level 4: $25/15min - The base rate of Government employees. A small amount of responsibility, no management, and no governance. Little-to-no work is required off the server.
(f) Level 5: $20/15min - A lesser rate where commissions are also present.
(3) Wage Guide
(a) The Executive will maintain a guide on forums called 'Government Pay' that will list Government pay levels and their associated occupations.

Wage Levels
Level 0:
Level 1: $45/15min
Leaders of Government Branches; Significant Responsibility, management, and governance.
Level 2: $35/15min
Members of peak bodies within the Government branches; A great amount of responsibility, management, and governance. Additionally, a lot of work off the server.
Level 3: $30/15min
Middle management of departments. A large amount of responsibility, management, and governance. Little work required off the server.
Level 4: $25/15min
Base rate of Government employees. A small amount of responsibility, no management, and no governance. Little-to-no work required off the server.
Level 5: $20/15min
A lesser rate where commissions are also present.

Cabinet of the Commonwealth of Redmont
(a) President (Level 1: $45/15min)
(b) Vice President (Level 1: $45/15min)
(c) Secretary (Level 2: $35/15min)
(d) Chief of Staff (Level 2: $35/15min)
(e) Special advisors (Level 3: $30/15min)
(f) Press Advisor (Level 4: $25/15min)
(g) Deputy Secretary (Level 0: Commission)

Department of State (DOS)
(a) Electoral Manager (Level 0: Commission)
(b) Electoral Officer (Level 0: Commission)
(c) Auditor (Level 0: Commission)
(d) Ambassador (Level 3: $30/15min)
(e) Foreign Officer (Level 0: Commission)

Department of Justice (DOJ)
(a) Captain (Level 3: $30/15min)
(b) Lieutenant (Level 3: $30/15min)
(c) Sergeant (Level 3: $30/15min)
(d) Police Officer (Level 4: $25/15min)
(e) Recruit (Level 4: $25/15min)

Department of Legal Affairs (DLA)
(a) Solicitor General (Level 2: $35/15min)
(b) State Prosecutor (Level 0: Commission)
(c) Investigator (Level 0: Commission)

Department of Commerce (DOC)
(a) Senior Economist (Level 0: Commission)
(b) Economist (Level 0: Commission)
(c) Compliance Officer (Level 0: Commission)

Department of Public Affairs (DPA)
(a) Media Manager (Level 0: Commission)
(b) Event Manager (Level 0: Commission)
(c) Media Advisor (Level 0: Commission)
(d) Event Coordinator (Level 0: Commission)

Department of Construction and Transportation (DCT)
(a) Construction Manager (Level 0: Commission)
(b) Inspection Manager (Level 0: Commission)
(c) Constructor (Level 0: Commission)
(d) Building Inspector (Level 0: Commission)

Department of the Interior (DOI)
(a) Senior Ranger (Level 0: Commission)
(b) Supply Manager (Level 0: Commission)
(c) Ranger (Level 0: Commission)
(d) Supply Officer (Level 0: Commission)

Department of Health (DOH)
(a) Medical Specialist (Level 3: $30/15min)
(b) Paramedic (Level 4: $25/15min)
(c) Doctor (Level 4: $25/15min)
(d) Trainee Doctor (Level 4: $25/15min)

Department of Education (DOE)
(a) Education Manager (Level 0: Commission)
(b) Archive Manager (Level 0: Commission)
(c) Tour Manager (Level 0: Commission)
(d) Professor (Level 0: Commission)
(b) Archivist (Level 0: Commission)
(e) Guide (Level 0: Commission)

Wage Guide

The following previous Executive orders will be rendered redundant.
(a) Executive Order - Executive Order 18/23 - Government Wages Update
(b) Executive Order - Executive Order 39/22 Government Wages EO
(c) Executive Order - Executive Order 02/22 - Wages & Deficit Reduction
(d) Executive Order - Executive Order 28/21 - Wages
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