Rescinded Drugs Act

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Homeland Security Department
Oakridge Resident
Order of Redmont Presidential Commendation Change Maker Popular in the Polls
Apr 11, 2020
Proposed By: 1950minecrafter
House Vote: 5-1-0
Senate Vote: N/A
Amending Acts:
- Drug Liberalization Act (Proposed by M_Lasai)
- LUIGI Act (Proposed by LilDigiVert)


Drugs Act​

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1). This Act may be cited as the “Drugs Act”.
(2). This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.

2- Drugs list

(1). LEGAL
(a). Marijuana
(b). Any medication provided by a Doctor in a hospital to treat a disease etc.
(c). Cocaine
(d). Shrooms
(e). LSD
(f). Morphine
(2) Illegal
(a). Heroin
(b). Methamphetamine
(c). Opium

(a). Heroin
(b). Methamphetamine
(c). Opium

3- Punishment
(1) There shall be no punishment for a first time drug offense.
(2) The player shall be fined $150 and jailed for 5 minutes for each subsequent offense.



Speaker of Congress
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House Vote: 5-0-1
Senate Vote: 4-0-0

Liberalize the Drug Laws of DemocracyCraft

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This act may be cited as the Drug Liberalization Act
(2) This act shall take effect immediately upon its signage

2 - Purpose
(1) The drug laws of DemocracyCraft have long been due for amendment. The goal of this bill is to make life easier for citizens of DemocracyCraft and to remove the government from citizens' personal lives. This bill is to soften the penalties for drug crimes and allow citizens more freedom in their private lives.

3 - Amendments
(1) Article 2 of the Drugs Act shall be amended to read the following:
(1) Legal
(a). Marijuana
(b). Any medication provided by a Doctor in a hospital to treat a disease etc.
(c). Cocaine
(d). Shrooms
(e). LSD
(f). Morphine
(2) Illegal
(a). Heroin
(b). Methamphetamine
(c). Opium

(2) Article 3 of the Drugs Act shall be amended to read the following:
(1) There shall be no punishment for a first time drug offense.
(2) The player shall be fined $150 and jailed for 5 minutes for each subsequent offense.

4 - Public Intoxication
(1) The laws of DemocracyCraft shall be amended to add the following:
(a) Any player with a drunkenness level over 8 percent must only speak in local chat.
(b) Players may not consume items listed in Section 3-1 outside their own property, barring marijuana or any medication provided by a doctor or pharmacist.
(c) Bars registered as companies may apply under the Department of Education and Commerce for an intoxicating substances license, which shall permit them to sell intoxicating substances listed in Section 3 of this act as well as allow customers to consume said substances on the business's property.
(d) Any player who fails to abide by subsections (a) and (b) herein are guilty of the misdemeanor offence of public intoxication and shall be fined not less than $10 but not more than $50 by the Department of Justice.
(e) Any player selling intoxicating substances not in compliance with subsection (c) herein is guilty of the misdemeanor offence of facilitating public intoxication and shall be fined $50.
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Amendments made by the Senate of DemocracyCraft and agreed to by the House of Representatives of DemocracyCraft
Pending second reading in the House of Representatives

Liberalize the Drug Laws of DemocracyCraft​

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
(1) This act may be cited as the Drug Liberalization Act
(2) This act shall take effect immediately upon its signage

2 - Purpose
(1) The drug laws of DemocracyCraft have long been due for amendment. The goal of this bill is to make life easier for citizens of DemocracyCraft and to remove the government from citizens' personal lives. This bill is to soften the penalties for drug crimes and allow citizens more freedom in their private lives.

3 - Amendments
(1) Article 2 of the Drugs Act shall be amended to read the following:
(1) Legal
(a). Marijuana
(b). Any medication provided by a Doctor in a hospital to treat a disease etc.
(c). Cocaine
(d). Shrooms
(e). LSD
(f). Morphine
(g). Marijuana plant
(h). Coca plant
(2) Illegal
(a). Heroin
(b). Methamphetamine
(c). Opium
(d). Opium poppy

(2) Article 3 of the Drugs Act shall be amended to read the following:
(1) There shall be no punishment for a first time drug offense.
(2) The player shall be fined $150 and jailed for 5 minutes for each subsequent offense.

4 - Public Intoxication
(1) The laws of DemocracyCraft shall be amended to add the following:
(a) Players may not consume items listed in Section 3-1 outside their own property, barring marijuana or any medication provided by a doctor or pharmacist.
(b) Bars registered as companies may apply under the Department of Education and Commerce for an intoxicating substances license, which shall permit them to sell intoxicating substances listed in Section 3 of this act as well as allow customers to consume said substances on the business's property.
(c) Any player who fails to abide by subsections (a) and (b) herein are guilty of the misdemeanor offence of public intoxication and shall be fined not less than $10 but not more than $50 by the Department of Justice.
(d) Any player selling intoxicating substances not in compliance with subsection (c) herein is guilty of the misdemeanor offence of facilitating public intoxication and shall be fined $50.

Seal of the President.png

This bill has received presidential assent and is hereby signed into law.​
House Vote: 7-0-1
Senate Vote: 5-0-0

Learn to Understand that Intoxication isn’t a Grave Injustice​

The people of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
This Act may be cited as the “Learn to Understand that Intoxication isn’t a Grave Injustice Act” or as the “ LDV Fraud Adjustment Act”.
1. This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
2. This Bill was written by Representative LilDigiVert with majority input from BubbaRC,

2 - Reasons

Sippin’ on henny maaan I missed the whole summer
Crash the new whip, maaan there goes the bumper
She liked Icy’s tweets maaan I had to dump her
Feasting on these bums like I started world hunger

Shoutout to Mr. Liq that’s that boy Dr Thunder
Pokemon pic but he don’t look like he Blunder
Boomer ass vibes but I act like I’m younger
Luigi ass vibes but don’t call me no plumber
Score on this bill don’t bring out no punter

3 – Terms

Repeal section 4 of the Drug Liberalization Act.

"4 - Public Intoxication
(1) The laws of DemocracyCraft shall be amended to add the following:
(a) Players may not consume items listed in Section 3-1 outside their own property, barring marijuana or any medication provided by a doctor or pharmacist.
(b) Bars registered as companies may apply under the Department of Education and Commerce for an intoxicating substances license, which shall permit them to sell intoxicating substances listed in Section 3 of this act as well as allow customers to consume said substances on the business's property.
(c) Any player who fails to abide by subsections (a) and (b) herein are guilty of the misdemeanor offence of public intoxication and shall be fined not less than $10 but not more than $50 by the Department of Justice.
(d) Any player selling intoxicating substances not in compliance with subsection (c) herein is guilty of the misdemeanor offence of facilitating public intoxication and shall be fined $50."
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This bill has received presidential assent and is hereby signed into law.​