Bill: Rejected Congressional Inactivity Act

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3rd Anniversary Statesman
Jan 12, 2023
Enact the Congressional Inactivity Act to reduce inactivity within Congressional Chambers.

The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives and Senators in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Short Title and Enactment
This Act may be cited as the "Congressional Inactivity Act".
This Act shall be enacted immediately upon its signage.
This Bill was authored by Izzibaby.
This Bill has been co-signed by: XaviersKarma

2 - Reasons
As seen within the 17th Congress I was a part of, there were numerous instances in which Representatives were inactive both in the proposal of bills, and the voting and participation on bills. This Act plans to hammer down on that inactivity, to ensure an active, and fruitful Congress to best serve the Commonwealth of Redmont.

3 - Inactivity
Inactivity will be defined based on participation within numerous areas,
  1. Lack of Voter Participation
    1. Not voting within proposed Bills or Motions.
  2. Lack of Bill Proposal
    1. Not proposing at least 1 bill per month.
      1. Co-signing a total of three bills equates to proposing one bill, encouraging collaboration, and assisting other representatives with their bills, in case the Rep doesn't wish to propose much themselves. Also helps prevent 'silly' bills, just to propose a bill.
      2. This Inactivity is exclusive to Representatives, as Senators can not Propose a bill.
  3. Lack of Committee Action
    1. This deals more so with the Chairperson of a Committee, not fulfilling the duties of a Chairmen.
  4. Lack of Presiding Officer Action
    1. This deals more so with the Presiding Officer, not fulfilling the duties of a Presiding Officer.

4 - Structure of Punishments
  1. The punishments for Inactivity as stated above, are to be carried out by either,
    1. The Joint Legislative Oversight Chairperson, or
    2. The Chamber’s Presiding Officer in which the Congressperson in question is elected within.
  2. Punishments:
    1. First Offense - Investigation into the Congress member into the reasoning for inactivity.
      1. An investigation is to be started by the Legislative Oversight Committee, and if no proper reasoning is found for the inactivity, a Motion of Censure is to be proposed within the Chamber in question.
    2. Second Offense - Motion of Censure
      1. In the case a member of Congress’s First Offense Investigation leads to a Motion of Censure, passing with a majority approval of the motion, and a second offense of inactivity occurs, another Motion of Censure is to be immediately proposed.
    3. Third Offense - Motion of Removal
      1. In the case, a member of Congress’s Second Offense Motion of Censure passes with a majority approving the motion, and a Third Offense occurs, which is to be motioned a Motion of Removal of their Congressional Seat, requiring a majority in both chambers, as instructed within the Electoral Act.
      2. A Congress member removed from office due to Inactivity is barred from running again for Congress within the next term, to ensure activity within congress, and punishment for those who are inactive, unfulfilling their duty to represent the people properly.
  3. Punishments are not to carry over to the next Congress and are reset upon the start of a new term.

5 - Exceptions to Removal
  1. If the reasoning for Inactivity is due to Lack of Committee Action, the Motion of Removal is to Remove their seat as Chairperson of the Committee, not to fully remove their Seat in Congress. A Motion of Replacement is to be held to elect a new Chairperson in their absence, in which the previous Chairperson removed, is barred from running in that election.
  2. If the reasoning for Inactivity is due to Lack of Presiding Officer Action, the Motion of Removal is to Remove their seat as Presiding Officer of the Chamber, not to fully remove their Seat in Congress. A Motion of Replacement is to be held to elect a new Presiding Officer in their absence, in which the previous Presiding Officer removed, is barred from running in that election.
  3. During Caretaker mode, while preparing for the new term, no Motions of Removal due to Inactivity should be proposed, due to not wishing for a vacant seat during the time of Caretaker. It is recommended in place, for a final Motion of Censure be made, to make aware to the public of their Inactivity to keep in mind for the elections to follow.
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