Members awarded with this badge

  1. LilDigiVert

    for their contributions to the: Executive, Legislature, Towns, & Department of Public Affairs
  2. Galavance

    For their contributions to the Town of Oakridge and the Real Estate Industry
  3. LilNickiVert

    OR13 - Nicki for their contributions to the: Executive, Legislative, & Department of Justice
  4. GoldBlooded

    OR19 - GoldBlooded for their contributions to the Legislature, Executive, and Department of State
  5. Twixted

    OR22 - Twixted for their contributions to the Executive, Department of Public Affairs, Towns, and Journalism Industry
  6. VerySmolBirb

    OR11 - Birb for their contributions to the: Executive, Department of Health, & Department of the Interior
  7. SomeHuman

    OR12 - SomeHuman for their contributions to the: Executive, Department of the Interior, & Department of State
  8. xtub12345

    for their contributions to the Legislature and Judiciary
  9. Derpy_Bird

    OR25 - Derpy for their contributions to the Legislature, Executive, Department of Education, and Department of Construction & Transportation
  10. wetc

    For their contributions to the Reserve Bank, Financial sector, and Legislature
  11. YeetBoy1872325

    for their contributions for NEVER BACKING DOWN and NEVER GIVING UP
  12. avelanie

    OR17 - Avelanie for their contributions to the: Legislative, & Department of Construction & Transport
  13. Soundi83

    For their contributions to the Legislature and Executive Departments
  14. RandomIntruder

    OR15 - RandomIntruder for their contributions to the: Executive, Legislative, Department of Commerce, & Department of Education
  15. JediAJMan

    for their contributions to the Department of Public Affairs and Legislature
  16. MrFluffy2U94

    for their contributions to the Department of Legal Affairs and Legislature