Bylaws Willow By-Laws

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Town of Willow

Aug 24, 2021


The Laws and Decrees pertaining to the Township of Willow hereby declare in this Bylaw dubbed “Residential Criteria Act” that:

  • In order for a citizen to be a resident of the Town. They must meet one of the following criteria:
    • They must hold residential land within the town.
    • They must have the Willow resident role (spawning or non-spawning) in-game.
      • This requirement is needed in order to participate in elections & events hosted on the forums.

The Laws and Decrees pertaining to the Township of Willow hereby declare in this Bylaw dubbed “Eminent Domain Act” that:

  • The constitution of Willow specifically grants the Mayor the right to evict anyone from their plot.
    • To abide by the Right XIV of the Redmont Constitution, the Township of Willow will offer fair compensation to plot owners whose plots are being repossessed by eminent domain.
    • Residents have the right to negotiate with the Township of Willow the price of their plot.
    • Refusing the deal will result in the Town requesting authorization for Eminent Domain from the Federal Redmont Courts.
    • If the Courts do not allow for the town to use Eminent Domain, the case shall be referred to the Attorney General, and federal Eminent Domain will be used against the plot.

The Laws and Decrees pertaining to the Township of Willow hereby declare in this Bylaw dubbed “Plot Ownership Act” that:

  • All Residents and Non-residents are only allowed to own one plot of each type. In order to own more than one plot of each type, permission must be granted by the Town Council.

The Laws and Decrees pertaining to the Township of Willow hereby declare in this Bylaw dubbed “Exterior Modification Act” that:
  • The constitution of Willow specifically grants the Office of Urban Development responsibility for the maintenance of current plots
    • Thus this Bylaw declares the act of modifying the exterior of any structure in Willow without permission from the Mayor or Deputy Mayors Illegal with the following punishments:
      • Per Offense: Eviction
    • Modifications are permitted in the interior so long as the tenant restores it to its original state at the end of the lease/before reselling the property.

The Laws and Decrees pertaining to the Township of Willow hereby declare in this Bylaw dubbed “Residential Commerce Act” that:

  • The operating of a business, through the use of a chest shop or otherwise, in a residential plot, is not permitted.
    • First Offense: Verbal Warning
    • Second Offense: Eviction


The Laws and Decrees pertaining to the Township of Willow hereby declare in this Bylaw dubbed “Farm Animal Overcrowding Act” that:

  • Must Follow the “Animal Overcrowding” law via “Rules and Laws” 9.6

The Laws and Decrees pertaining to the Township of Willow hereby declare in this Bylaw dubbed “Farm Plot Limitations Act” that:

  • Each citizen shall be limited to one (1) farm plot.

  • A farm plot is classified as a plot beginning with the "f" prefix. (i.e. f-001)

  • If a player is found to be breaching this limit, they shall be evicted until the limit is reached.

The Laws and Decrees pertaining to the Township of Willow hereby declare in this Bylaw dubbed “Farm Height Limitation Act” that:

  • It shall be illegal to construct housing on farm plots over 20 blocks tall.
    • First Offense: Verbal Warning
    • Second Offense: Eviction
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