rental properties act


Jan 1, 2022
Create rental properties that the citizens of redmont can rent from the government

1- Short Title and Enactment
(1) This act may be cited as the rental properties act
(2) this act should be enacted immediately upon its signage.
(3) This act has been authored by Representative FTGWop

2- Reasons
(1) every citizen of Redmont should have the right to have a place where they can live not only the rich deserves a home but also the poor deserves to be able to have a home.

(2) Rental properties does not demand that you are rich you do not need to be rich to be able to have a rental property
(3) A lot of the rental properties that do exist have rents that are to expensive we need to make sure that people can be able to rent a place for a normal price.

3- Terms
(1) Nowadays it cost money when you are creating apartments that will be for rent which is bad because then it will encourage the owners to have higher prices on their rents so what this bill aims to do is that if you create apartments that will have the duration as minimum 15 days and a max price of 50 dollars to rent an apartment then you wont have to pay money per rent property you are creating this will encourage owners of C plots that have created apartments on those plots to make their rent prices cheap instead of having expensive apartments which will benefit everybody it will benefit the tenant because the tenant will have a home and get to keep more money instead of paying all their money on rent and the owner of the apartments will benefit since cheaper prices will make more citizens to rent their property which in the long term will generate money to the owner of the C plot too so this will benefit everybody both the tenants that are looking for a job and the owner of the c plot who is out to make money.