Election Transparency Report - HCC Elections June 2021

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Vice President
Mar 19, 2021
Hamilton City Council Election(s) - June 2021

Unless otherwise stated, these are not an official recollection of the events that transpired during this election, merely a timeline and general overview of such.

Unknown Date -

Former President hugebob23456 and Secretary of State Austin27 determined that it would be best to hold off Hamilton City Council elections until the conclusion of the Presidential Election. Such is completely under the executive's jurisdiction and dates for Hamilton City Council elections were not pre-mandated by the original executive order.

June 20th 2021 -

Hamilton City Council elections were announced in government announcements by an Electoral Officer. Declarations officially opened for Mayor of Hamilton, Commerce Advisor and Urban Renewal Advisor.

June 20th - June 22nd 2021 -

Declaration period, candidates officially declared their intent to run.

June 22nd 2021 -

The Secretary of State announced that declarations had closed for Mayor of Hamilton, Commerce Advisor and Urban Renewal Advisor.

Voting officially opened and would remain open for a period of 3 days.

June 25th 2021 -

The Secretary of State announced that the polls had officially closed for the Hamilton City Council elections.

The Department of State Electoral Officers began tabulating the results of the election(s).

The Secretary of State announced that Dwerpy had won the Mayorship of Hamilton & Hong_Kong_ 101 had won the position of Urban Renewal Advisor.

The Secretary of State announced that no winner could be determined for the Commerce Advisor election due to a tie and thus a runoff election began.

Voting immediately opened between cheesypig and ManagerHell for the position of Commerce Advisor

June 26th 2021 -

The Secretary of State announced that voting had closed for the Commerce Advisor runoff election.

Cheesypig was announced as the winner of the Commerce Advisor Election.

Disqualified Votes
The Department of State disqualifies votes for not meeting the voter requirements as outlined in the constitution.

JohnBarboza - 1 vote disqualified
Rurge - 0 votes disqualified
Taelor - 0 votes disqualified
Dwerpy - 0 votes disqualified

Urban Renewal Advisor
99pizza99 - 0 votes disqualified
Hong_Kong_101 - 0 votes disqualified
x1x1 - 0 votes disqualified

Commerce Advisor
cheesypig - 1 vote disqualified
ManagerHell - 0 votes disqualified

Commerce Advisor Runoff
cheesypig - 2 votes disqualified
ManagerHell - 0 votes disqualified

General Notes




Secretary of State
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