Recent content by Void

  1. Void

    Election Presidential Elections - OCTOBER 2023

    I, ItsMeVoid, declare that I will be contesting the Office of President. My Vice Presidential running mate will be Bindi. I will be running as an independent.
  2. Void

    i cant see

    i cant see
  3. Void

    Expungement: Granted ItsMeVoid - [2023] FCR 28 - Expungement Request

    IN THE COURT OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF REDMONT EXPUNGEMENT REQUEST The petitioner seeks to have their criminal record removed, in accordance with the Expungement Act. They understand that expungement is only possible if it has been at least 2 months since they have been charged, and that the...
  4. Void

    Combine your username with the one above you!
