Recent content by Soundi83

  1. Soundi83

    Bill: Rejected NH PSA Amendment Act

    A BILL To The Property Standards Act shall be amended as follows The people of the Commonwealth of Redmont, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions...
  2. Soundi83

    Happy birthday GoldBlooded!

    Happy birthday GoldBlooded!
  3. Soundi83

    Bill: Rejected Department Modernisation Act

    Hello, I would like to change my vote to aye if that is possible
  4. Soundi83

    Happy Birthday Bibsfi!

    Happy Birthday Bibsfi!
  5. Soundi83

    Election Council Elections - SEPTEMBER 2023

    I, Soundi83, declare that I will be contesting a seat as the Head of Commerce as a member of RNP
  6. Soundi83

    Happy Birthday Huney!

    Happy Birthday Huney!
  7. Soundi83

    Happy Birthday ko531!

    Happy Birthday ko531!
  8. Soundi83

    Act of Congress Appropriations Act - AUG 2023

    I made a mistake on Bill August Appropriations that was supposed to be a Rep Nay