Recent content by mashablemctaterz

  1. mashablemctaterz

    I am are mental breakdown.

    I am are mental breakdown.
  2. mashablemctaterz

    3rd to comment on Scott.

    3rd to comment on Scott.
  3. mashablemctaterz

    "Never forget your roots, even if you choose to forget the bad times, still remember the times...

    "Never forget your roots, even if you choose to forget the bad times, still remember the times that stood out from all the others, the times you laughed, some of the times you cried, and always the times you were proud to be you." -Pacificcc
  4. mashablemctaterz

    I'm pog.

    I'm pog.
  5. mashablemctaterz

    You can find me playing as "Pacificcc!"

    You can find me playing as "Pacificcc!"