Rescinded House Standing Orders


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Apr 7, 2020

Establish Standing Orders for the 2nd Congress

The people of Democracy Craft, through their elected Representatives in the Congress and the force of law ordained to that Congress by the people through the constitution, do hereby enact the following provisions into law:

1 - Election of the Speaker of the Congress
(1) The President is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the President.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 12 hours.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Speaker of Congress.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Speaker of the Congress.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the authority to
enforce these standing orders and call the Congress to order.

2 - Election of the Deputy Speaker
(1) After the selection of the Speaker, the Speaker is to assume the chair of the Congress and ask for those who wish to be elected Deputy Speaker to nominate themselves by notifying the Speaker.
(a) The nomination period shall last for 12 hours.
(3) Should only one member be nominated then they shall be declared Deputy Speaker of Congress.
(4) Should more than two members be nominated, all members are to vote for the Deputy
Speaker. The ballot is to be conducted through instant runoff voting. The winner of
the ballot is to be declared the Deputy Speaker of the Congress.
(5) Upon certifying the election of the Deputy Speaker, the Deputy Speaker shall be vested with the power to enforce the rules of the Congress in the absence of the Speaker.

3 - Sittings of the Congress
(1) The Congress is to sit every day unless the Congress otherwise moves to recess.
(2) The Congress is to adjourn at the end of each day until the next sitting day.

4 - Business of the day
(1) Each day it sits, the Congress is to consider business put before it.
(2) The Congress is to consider new bills and resolutions in the order that they are submitted by individuals.

5 - Consideration of urgent business
(1) Should a majority of members petition the chair to consider an item of business urgently, that
item of business shall be moved to the top of the docket and be considered immediately.

6 - Consideration of business
(1) Bills shall be voted upon in the order in which they were proposed, skipping any bills not posted to the forums.
(2) The Representatives may debate the bill before voting if they choose.
(3) Should the bill fail to reach a majority of Ayes or Nays due to Abstentions, the next 24 hours shall be committed to debate and amendments, then the bill will be reopened for votation.
(4) Should the bill fail to reach a majority of Ayes or Nays due to Abstentions for a second time, the bill fails.

7 - Putting the question
(1) Should any question be put to the Congress, the chair shall call roll for the Ayes, the Nays, and the Abstentions.

8 - Passage of bills
(1) Should a bill pass the Congress it shall be sent to the Speaker.
(2) The Speaker may then send the bill to the President to receive assent.

9 - Rules of Debate
(1) All individuals may debate during a reading.
(2) Individuals are to address the chair at all times.
(3) Individuals are not to make personal attacks against another individual.
(4) Individuals are to contribute to debate in a constructive and relevant fashion.
(5) Individuals are to cease speaking and resume their seat if directed to by the chair.
(6) Individuals are not to exhibit disorderly, inappropriate, or offensive conduct.
(7) Individuals are not to misrepresent a statement or viewpoint of another individual.

10 - Points of Order
(1) All individuals may raise points of order. Points of order are to be considered
(2) The chair rules on points of order.
(3) Individuals are not to raise vexatious points of order.
(4) Points of order are matters between the individual raising them and the chair.

11 - Suspension of Individuals
The chair may suspend an individual who behaves in a disorderly fashion from the service of
the Congress for the remainder of the day’s sitting.

12 - Adoption by the Congress
Upon the passage of this bill in the Congress it shall come into force.

This bill was authored by Speaker hugebob23456
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